Friday, July 16, 2010

From 0800 Numbers to 0845 Phone Number

The original prefix digits employed for toll free numbers was 0800. These prefix permits callers to contact your company free of any charge. You will be the one that will pay for all the calls made to your company. This is the reason why companies that have the 0800 numbers have experienced a sudden surge in the volume of their incoming calls. Sales and profits also increased due to these newly generated calls.

The increase in calls and profits that companies get from availing toll free numbers led to the high demand of these numbers, resulting to the depletion of the 0800 number supply. As more and more businesses benefited from having toll free numbers, the clamor for new toll free numbers has also increased. It resulted to the creation of new prefix for toll free numbers.

Several other types of toll free phone prefix were produced to augment the supply. 0888, 0877 and 0866 were among the next digits that were used. These numbers also offered the same free incoming call service. Although toll free numbers provided benefits it also had disadvantages. It also increased the occurrences of unwanted calls. To protect your company from such calls, you could avail of a telephone call screening service.

This service screened all incoming calls by providing you with client information even before you answer the call. After receiving information, you will be given the option of answering, forwarding or rejecting the call. This problem in toll free numbers has led to the creation of a toll free number that operates in another way.

The prefix that was created was the 0845 phone number. This toll free number does not provide free incoming call service. It operates in the same way as a standard telephone. Calls are charged to the calling party. Even though this is the case, calls made to 0845 numbers are still cheaper than placing a call to a traditional number.

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